Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 09 (Dark Horse Comics - 2011)
INT05. The Core
Une BD de
Andrew Chambliss
Georges Jeanty
chez Dark Horse Comics
- 2014
Chambliss, Andrew
Espenson, Jane
Jeanty, Georges
Moline, Karl
Madsen, Michelle
Whedon, Joss
03/2014 (18 mars 2014) 9781616552541 Format comics 214271
When Dawn falls ill, it’s up to best friends Buffy, Xander, and Willow to join forces and find a supernatural cure in a world sorely lacking magic. The trio must fight their way into the Deeper Well, the former home of Illyria and other ancient gods known as the Old Ones, where they hope to jump-start magic back into existence.