Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 09 (Dark Horse Comics - 2011)
INT03. Guarded
Une BD de
Andrew Chambliss
Georges Jeanty
chez Dark Horse Comics
- 2013
Chambliss, Andrew
Espenson, Jane
Greenberg, Drew Z.
Jeanty, Georges
Moline, Karl
Dewey, Ben
Madsen, Michelle
Whedon, Joss
05/2013 (14 mai 2013) 9781616550998 Format comics 213153
In a bold move to give disenfranchised Slayers a meaningful societal role (with pay), Kennedy recruits Buffy to act as bodyguard for high-profile clientele. But unlike the other recruits, Buffy struggles to abandon her Slaying instincts and looks for demony threats where none lie (much to Kennedy's dismay). So it's only natural that her first job is to protect a tech mogul who just so happens to be running from demon assassins !