Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 09 (Dark Horse Comics - 2011)
INT02. On Your Own
Une BD de
Andrew Chambliss
Georges Jeanty
chez Dark Horse Comics
- 2012
Chambliss, Andrew
Allie, Scott
Jeanty, Georges
Richards, Cliff
Madsen, Michelle
Whedon, Joss
12/2012 (18 décembre 2012) 9781595829900 Format comics 213151
With the Scooby gang on the skids, Buffy finds herself increasingly alone. When faced with some tough decisions grounded in “real world” problems (i.e., not the slaying of pesky demons), Buffy is determined to make her own choices, but that doesn’t mean she won't need a little handholding along the way. Cue Spike, compelled to stand by his best friend in her moment of need. Together they'll tackle the increasing zompire population and a rogue Slayer out for blood.