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Couverture de The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -11- The Forest of Fearful Traps!
©DC Comics 1957 Finger, Bill/Heath, Russ
Parution en 04/1957. Vous pouvez commander l'album chez nos partenaires suivants : Acheter sur Amazon Acheter à la FNAC Acheter sur Rakuten
Album créé dans la bedetheque le 12/06/2020 (Dernière modification le 12/06/2020 à 17:15) par jr5902

The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955)

11. The Forest of Fearful Traps!

Une BD de et Heath, Russ chez DC Comics - 1957
Finger, Bill (Scénario) Haney, Bob (Scénario) Kanigher, Bob (Scénario) Heath, Russ (Dessin) Kubert, Joe (Dessin) Novick, Irv (Dessin) <Quadrichromie> (Couleurs) Kubert, Joe (Encrage) Heath, Russ (Encrage) Novick, Irv (Encrage) Saladino, Gaspar (Lettrage) Novick, Irv (Couverture) Schnapp, Ira (Couverture) Moreira, Ruben (Autres)

04/1957 24 pages Format comics 200 à 300 euros 396074

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Notez l'album (0 vote)

  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -1- The Brave and the Bold!

    Tome 1
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -2- Tales of Blazing Adventure

    Tome 2
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -3- Issue # 3

    Tome 3
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -4- The Robber Baron of Forest Perilous!

    Tome 4
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -5- Issue # 5

    Tome 5
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -6- Issue # 6

    Tome 6
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -7- Duel of the Double Identities!

    Tome 7
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -8- Issue # 8

    Tome 8
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -9- Issue # 9

    Tome 9
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -10- Challenge of the Round Table!

    Tome 10
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -11- The Forest of Fearful Traps!

    Tome 11
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -12- Issue # 12

    Tome 12
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -13- The Sleeping Knights!

    Tome 13
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -14- 3 New Blazing Adventures of the Mighty Trio

    Tome 14
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -15- Three Flaming Dooms!

    Tome 15
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -16- Issue # 16

    Tome 16
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -17- Thrill to the Heroic Feats

    Tome 17
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -18- The Silent Knight and The Viking Prince

    Tome 18
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -19- Challenge of the Flying Horse!

    Tome 19
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -20- Issue # 20

    Tome 20
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -21- Issue # 21

    Tome 21
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -22- Issue # 22

    Tome 22
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -23- Battling in -- Thunderous Tales of the Mystic Northland!

    Tome 23
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -24- The Trail of the Black Falcon!/Curse of the Dragon's Moon!

    Tome 24
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -25- The 3 Waves of Doom!

    Tome 25
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -26- The Sun Curse!

    Tome 26
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -27- The Creature of Ghost Lake!

    Tome 27
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -28- Starro the Conqueror!

    Tome 28
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -29- Challenge of the Weapons Master!

    Tome 29
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -30- The Case of the Stolen Super-Powers!

    Tome 30
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -31- Issue # 31

    Tome 31
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -32- The City 100 Miles Down!

    Tome 32
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -33- The Alien Robots from Inner Space!

    Tome 33
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -34- Creature of a Thousand Shapes!

    Tome 34
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -35- Valley of Vanishing Men!

    Tome 35
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -36- The Shadow-Thief of Midway City!

    Tome 36
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -37- Threat of the Giant Eye!

    Tome 37
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -38- Master of the Dinosaurs!

    Tome 38
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -39- Prisoners of the Dinosaur Zoo!

    Tome 39
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -40- The Three Caverns of Doom!

    Tome 40
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -41- Raiders from the Secret World!

    Tome 41
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -42- Menace of the Dragonfly Raiders!

    Tome 42
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -43- Masked Marauders of Earth!

    Tome 43
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -44- The Men Who Moved the World!

    Tome 44
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -45- Challenge of the Headless Baseball Team!

    Tome 45
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -46- The Hot-Shot Hoopsters!

    Tome 46
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -47- The Phantom Prizefighter!

    Tome 47
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -48- The Man Who Drove through Time!

    Tome 48
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -49- Gorilla Wonders of the Diamond!

    Tome 49
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -50- Green Arrow and Martian Manhunter

    Tome 50
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -51- Fury of the Exiled Creature!

    Tome 51
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -52- Suicide Mission!

    Tome 52
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -53- The Challenge of the Expanding World!

    Tome 53
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -54- Issue # 54

    Tome 54
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -55- Issue # 55

    Tome 55
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -56- Issue # 56

    Tome 56
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -57- Issue # 57

    Tome 57
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -58- Issue # 58

    Tome 58
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -59- The Tick-Tock Traps of the Time Commander!

    Tome 59
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -60- Issue # 60

    Tome 60
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -61- Starman and Black Canary

    Tome 61
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -62- Big Super-Hero Hunt!

    Tome 62
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -63- Issue # 63

    Tome 63
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -64- Batman versus Eclipso

    Tome 64
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -65- Issue # 65

    Tome 65
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -66- Issue # 66

    Tome 66
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -67- Issue # 67

    Tome 67
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -68- Batman Becomes Bat-Hulk!

    Tome 68
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -69- Issue # 69

    Tome 69
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -70- Issue # 70

    Tome 70
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -71- The Wrath of the Thunderbird!

    Tome 71
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -72- Phantom Flash, Cosmic Traitor

    Tome 72
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -73- Hail, Galg the Destroyer!

    Tome 73
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -74- Issue # 74

    Tome 74
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -75- The Grasp of Shahn-Zi!

    Tome 75
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -76- Doom, What Is Thy Shape?

    Tome 76
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -77- So Thunders the Cannoneer!

    Tome 77
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -78- In the Coils of Copperhead!

    Tome 78
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -79- THe track of the hook

    Tome 79
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -80- Batman and the Creeper

    Tome 80
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -81- But Bork Can Hurt You!

    Tome 81
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -82- The Sleep-Walker from the Sea!

    Tome 82
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -83- Batman and the teen titans

    Tome 83
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -85- The Senator's Been Shot!

    Tome 85
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -86- Issue # 86

    Tome 86
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -87- The Widow-Maker!

    Tome 87
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -88- Count 10 -- And Die!

    Tome 88
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -89- Arise, Ye Ghosts of Gotham

    Tome 89
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -90- You Only Die Twice!

    Tome 90
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -91- Issue # 91

    Tome 91
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -92- Issue # 92

    Tome 92
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -93- Issue # 93

    Tome 93
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -94- Rebels in the Streets

    Tome 94
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -95- Issue # 95

    Tome 95
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -96- Issue # 96

    Tome 96
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -97- Issue # 97

    Tome 97
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -98- Mansion of the Misbegotten

    Tome 98
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -99- The Man Who Murdered the Past

    Tome 99
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -100- Warrior in a Wheel-Chair

    Tome 100
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -101- Issue # 101

    Tome 101
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -102- Commune of Outcasts

    Tome 102
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -103- Issue # 103

    Tome 103
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -104- Second Chance for a Deadman

    Tome 104
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -105- Play Now-- Die Later

    Tome 105
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -106- Issue # 106

    Tome 106
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -107- The 3-Million Dollar Sky!

    Tome 107
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -108- Batman and Sgt. Rock

    Tome 108
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -109- Batman and the Demon

    Tome 109
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -110- A Very Special Spy

    Tome 110
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -111- Death Has the Last Laugh

    Tome 111
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -112- The Impossible Escape

    Tome 112
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -113- The 50-Story Killer

    Tome 113
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -114- Last Jet to Gotham

    Tome 114
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -115- The Corpse That Wouldn't Die

    Tome 115
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -116- Grasp of the Killer Cult

    Tome 116
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -117- Batman and Sgt. Rock

    Tome 117
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -118- May the Best Man Die!

    Tome 118
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -119- Issue # 119

    Tome 119
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -120- This Earth Is Mine

    Tome 120
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -121- The Doomsday Express

    Tome 121
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -122- Issue # 122

    Tome 122
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -123- Issue # 123

    Tome 123
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -124- Issue # 124

    Tome 124
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -125- Issue # 125

    Tome 125
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -126- What Lurks Below Buoy 13?

    Tome 126
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -127- Dead Man's Quadrangle

    Tome 127
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -128- Issue # 128

    Tome 128
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -129- Issue # 129

    Tome 129
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -130- Death at Rainbow's End

    Tome 130
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -131- Day of Tigers-- --Night of Death!

    Tome 131
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -132- Issue # 132

    Tome 132
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -133- Issue # 133

    Tome 133
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -134- Issue # 134

    Tome 134
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -135- Issue # 135

    Tome 135
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -136- Issue # 136

    Tome 136
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -137- Issue # 137

    Tome 137
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -138- Mile High Tombstone

    Tome 138
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -139- Requiem for a Top Cop!

    Tome 139
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -140- Death Aboard the Hellship!

    Tome 140
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -141- Issue # 141

    Tome 141
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -142- Issue # 142

    Tome 142
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -143- Issue # 143

    Tome 143
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -144- The Arrow of Eternity!

    Tome 144
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -145- A Choice of Dooms!

    Tome 145
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -146- The Secret That Saved the World!

    Tome 146
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -147- Issue # 147

    Tome 147
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -148- The Night the Mob Stole Xmas

    Tome 148
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -149- Issue # 149

    Tome 149
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -150- Today Gotham -- Tomorrow the World!

    Tome 150
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -151- The Disco of Death!

    Tome 151
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -152- Death Has a Golden Grab!

    Tome 152
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -153- The Menace of the Murder Machines!

    Tome 153
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -154- Issue # 154

    Tome 154
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -155- The Fugitive from Two Worlds!

    Tome 155
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -156- Batman and Doctor Fate

    Tome 156
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -157- Issue # 157

    Tome 157
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -158- Yesterday Never Dies!

    Tome 158
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -159- The Crystal Armageddon!

    Tome 159
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -160- Issue # 160

    Tome 160
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -161- Issue # 161

    Tome 161
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -162- Issue # 162

    Tome 162
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -163- Issue # 163

    Tome 163
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -164- Issue # 164

    Tome 164
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -165- Issue # 165

    Tome 165
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -166- Issue # 166

    Tome 166
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -167- Issue # 167

    Tome 167
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -168- Issue # 168

    Tome 168
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -169- Angel of Mercy, Angel of Death!

    Tome 169
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -170- Issue # 170

    Tome 170
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -171- Issue # 171

    Tome 171
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -172- Issue # 172

    Tome 172
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -173- Issue # 173

    Tome 173
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -174- Chaos at the Court of the Cosmos!

    Tome 174
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -176- Batman and Swamp Thing

    Tome 176
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -177- Issue # 177

    Tome 177
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -178- Paperchase

    Tome 178
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -179- Issue # 179

    Tome 179
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -180- Batman and the Spectre

    Tome 180
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -181- Time, See What's Become of Me...

    Tome 181
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -182- Interlude on Earth-Two

    Tome 182
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -183- The Death of Batman

    Tome 183
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -184- The Batman's Last Christmas!

    Tome 184
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -185- Falcon's Lair

    Tome 185
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -186- Issue # 186

    Tome 186
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -187- Whatever Happened to What's'ername?

    Tome 187
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -188- A Grave as Wide as the World

    Tome 188
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -189- A Grave as Wide as the World!

    Tome 189
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -190- Who Killed Adam Strange!

    Tome 190
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -191- Issue # 191

    Tome 191
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -192- Issue # 192

    Tome 192
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -193- Issue # 193

    Tome 193
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -194- Trade Heroes...and Win!

    Tome 194
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -195- Night of Blood!

    Tome 195
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -196- Issue # 196

    Tome 196
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -197- Night of Passion...Night of Fear!

    Tome 197
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -198- Call Him Power! Call Him Pulsar!

    Tome 198
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -199- And the Winner Is...

    Tome 199
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -200- Issue # 200

    Tome 200
  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -AN01- The Brave and the Bold presents 4 big features!

  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -OMNI01- Batman: The Brave and the Bold - The Bronze Age Omnibus Vol. 1

  • The brave And the Bold Vol.1 (1955) -SP2000- Batman and The Metal Men: The Great Gotham Switcheroo!


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