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Couverture de Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -1122- Professor Satô's Three Formulae - part 1
©Cinebook 2016 Jacobs
Parution le 17/03/2016. Vous pouvez commander l'album chez nos partenaires suivants : Acheter sur Amazon Acheter chez BDfugue Acheter à la FNAC Acheter sur Rakuten
Album créé dans la bedetheque le 05/03/2016 (Dernière modification le 20/03/2016 à 12:15) par Edhral

Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of)

1122. Professor Satô's Three Formulae - part 1

Une BD de chez Cinebook - 2016

02/2016 (17 mars 2016) 56 pages 9781849182928 Format normal 274721

One evening in Tokyo, air traffic controllers detect an unknown flying object and send two aircraft to intercept and identify it. However, the fighters’ last message before they crash into each other is ‘ryu’ – dragon! The whole business has deeply upset Professor Sato Akira, and he calls upon his friend Mortimer, who can always be counted upon for good advice. But before he’s even received the invitation, Mortimer is already targeted by men hell bent on getting rid of him…

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Note: 3.0/5 (1 vote)

  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -1- The Secret of the Swordfish - part 1

    Tome 1
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -2- The Secret of the Swordfish - part 2

    Tome 2
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -3- The Secret of the Swordfish - part 3

    Tome 3
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -4- The Mystery of the Great Pyramid, part 1

    Tome 4
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -5b2008- The Mystery of the Great Pyramid part 2

    Tome 5
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -6- The Yellow

    Tome 6
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -7- Atlantis Mystery

    Tome 7
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -8- S.O.S. Meteors

    Tome 8
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -919- The Time Trap

    Tome 9
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -107- The Affair of the Necklace

    Tome 10
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -1122- Professor Satô's Three Formulae - part 1

    Tome 11
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -1223- Professor sato's three formulae part 2

    Tome 12
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -134- The Francis Blake Affair

    Tome 13
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -148- The Voronov Plot

    Tome 14
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -155- The Strange Encounter

    Tome 15
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -169- The Sarcophagi of the Sixth Continent, part 1

    Tome 16
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -1710- The Sarcophagi of the Sixth Continent, part 2

    Tome 17
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -1811- The Gondwana Shrine

    Tome 18
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -1913- The curse of the 30 pieces of silver part 1

    Tome 19
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -2014- The curse of the 30 pieces of silver part 2

    Tome 20
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -2118- The oath of the five lords

    Tome 21
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -2220- The Septimus Wave

    Tome 22
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -2321- Plutarch's staff

    Tome 23
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -24- The testament of William S.

    Tome 24
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -25- The valley of the immortals

    Tome 25
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -26- The valley of the immortals part 2

    Tome 26
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -27- The call of the moloch

    Tome 27
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -28- The Last Swordfish

    Tome 28
  • Blake and Mortimer (The Adventures of) -29- Eight Hours in Berlin

    Tome 29

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