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Couverture de Black Panther: The Man Without Fear (2011) -INT2- Fear Itself
©Marvel Comics 2012 Liss/Francavilla
Parution le 10/10/2012. Vous pouvez commander l'album chez nos partenaires suivants : Acheter sur Amazon Acheter à la FNAC Acheter sur Rakuten
Album créé dans la bedetheque le 12/10/2012 (Dernière modification le 15/11/2015 à 09:33) par tchouckitchouck

Black Panther: The Man Without Fear (2011)

INT2. Fear Itself

Une BD de et Francesco Francavilla chez Marvel Comics - 2012

09/2012 (10 octobre 2012) 120 pages 9780785152064 Format comics 173869

The horrifying events of Fear Itself and Spider-Island propel T'Challa through a grueling gauntlet of challenges as Kraven the Hunter, a new Hate Monger and Lady Bullseye come gunning for the lone guardian of Hell's Kitchen. A series of brutal face-offs with these classic villains sets the stage for the next great Black Panther adversary as the American Panther rises to challenge T'Challa for his mantle! Determined to protect his new home, can even the most dangerous man alive defeat a murderers row of the worst the Marvel Universe has to offer?

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Notez l'album (0 vote)

  • Black Panther: The Man Without Fear (2011) -513- Urban jungle

    Tome 513
  • Black Panther: The Man Without Fear (2011) -514- Urban Jungle part 2

    Tome 514
  • Black Panther: The Man Without Fear (2011) -515- Urban jungle part 3

    Tome 515
  • Black Panther: The Man Without Fear (2011) -516- Urban jungle part 4

    Tome 516
  • Black Panther: The Man Without Fear (2011) -517- Urban jungle part 5

    Tome 517
  • Black Panther: The Man Without Fear (2011) -518- Urban jungle part 6

    Tome 518
  • Black Panther: The Man Without Fear (2011) -519- Storm hunter part 1

    Tome 519
  • Black Panther: The Man Without Fear (2011) -520- Storm hunter part 2

    Tome 520
  • Black Panther: The Man Without Fear (2011) -521- Fear and Loathing in Hell's Kitchen part 1

    Tome 521
  • Black Panther: The Man Without Fear (2011) -522- Fear and Loathing in Hell's Kitchen part 2

    Tome 522
  • Black Panther: The Man Without Fear (2011) -523- Fear and Loathing in Hell's Kitchen part 3

    Tome 523
  • Black Panther: The Man Without Fear (2011) -INT1- Urban Jungle

  • Black Panther: The Man Without Fear (2011) -INT2- Fear Itself


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