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Couverture de The big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot (1995) -INT- The Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot
©Dark Horse Comics 1996 Miller/Darrow
Parution en 09/1996. Vous pouvez commander l'album chez nos partenaires suivants : Acheter sur Amazon Acheter à la FNAC Acheter sur Rakuten
Album créé dans la bedetheque le 10/12/2023 (Dernière modification le 10/02/2024 à 15:19) par TigrouK

The big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot (1995)

INT. The Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot

Une BD de et Geof Darrow chez Dark Horse Comics - 1996
Miller, Frank (Scénario) Darrow, Geof (Dessin) Legris, Claude (Couleurs) Darrow, Geof (Encrage) Spicer, Bill (Lettrage) Varley, Lynn (Couverture) Darrow, Geof (Couverture)

09/1996 79 pages 1569712018 Grand format 489012

Front and center, America! Here comes action! Here comes adventure! Here comes The Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot -- a roller-coaster ride through the minds of Geof Darrow and Frank Miller, the tag team that set you reeling with their hard-hitting series, Hard Boiled! Everything you remember about being eight years old and watching monster movies is right here, but with all the magnified detail that you always wanted to see.

  • Currently 5.00/10
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Note: 5.0/5 (1 vote)

  • The big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot (1995) -1- Rusty fights alone!

    Tome 1
  • The big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot (1995) -2- The big guy kicks butt!

    Tome 2
  • The big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot (1995) -INT- The Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot


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Toutes les éditions de cet album

  • The big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot (1995) -INT- The Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot ©Dark Horse Comics 1996 Miller/Darrow

    INT . The Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot

    Info édition : Collects Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot GN (1995 Treasury) #1-2.

  • The big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot (1995) -INTa- The big guy and rusty the boy robot ©Dark Horse Comics Miller/Darrow

    INTa . The big guy and rusty the boy robot

    • 339644
    • Miller, Frank
    • Darrow, Geof
    • Stewart, Dave
    • 10/2015
    • non coté
    • Dark Horse Comics
    • Dark Horse Books
    • Format comics
    • 978-1-616-55853-6
    • 108
    • 29/07/2018 (modifié le 10/02/2024 15:19)

    Info édition : Nouvelles couleurs de Dave Stewart. Dos toilé rouge.