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  • Se souvenir de moi
J'ai oublié mon mot de passe
Couverture de Batwing (2011) -3- Wa have blood on our hands
©DC Comics 2011 Winick/Oliver
Parution en 11/2011. Vous pouvez commander l'album chez nos partenaires suivants : Acheter sur Amazon Acheter à la FNAC Acheter sur Rakuten
Album créé dans la bedetheque le 04/02/2013 (Dernière modification le 06/02/2013 à 14:10) par Jean-Phi

Batwing (2011)

3. Wa have blood on our hands

Une BD de et Ben Oliver chez DC Comics - 2011

11/2011 Format comics 182722

Massacre's crusade of blood continues, and the only one standing in his way is Batwing, who finds himself fighting alongside a legendary hero of Africa: the mighty Thunder Fall! As more heroes are targeted by this madman, the mystery of why begins to unfold, as does the story of Batwing's dark past.

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Notez l'album (0 vote)

  • Batwing (2011) -0- They Will Pay for What They've Given Birth To

    Tome 0
  • Batwing (2011) -1- The cradle of civilization

    Tome 1
  • Batwing (2011) -2- First blood

    Tome 2
  • Batwing (2011) -3- Wa have blood on our hands

    Tome 3
  • Batwing (2011) -4- Better at terrible things

    Tome 4
  • Batwing (2011) -5- Like a nightmare coming to life

    Tome 5
  • Batwing (2011) -6- I am happiest when at war

    Tome 6
  • Batwing (2011) -7- But there where consequences for us

    Tome 7
  • Batwing (2011) -8- What I am... was born from death

    Tome 8
  • Batwing (2011) -9- You have benn judged unworthy

    Tome 9
  • Batwing (2011) -10- Flight or Fight

    Tome 10
  • Batwing (2011) -11- I See All of it Now

    Tome 11
  • Batwing (2011) -12- I am One With This Land

    Tome 12
  • Batwing (2011) -13- A Hard Turn

    Tome 13
  • Batwing (2011) -14- The Nightmares Never Stop

    Tome 14
  • Batwing (2011) -15- Lost and Found

    Tome 15
  • Batwing (2011) -16- A Blind Eye Sees Red

    Tome 16
  • Batwing (2011) -17- The Dying Breath

    Tome 17
  • Batwing (2011) -18- Grounded

    Tome 18
  • Batwing (2011) -19- The End of the Beginning

    Tome 19
  • Batwing (2011) -20- Welcome to the Family

    Tome 20
  • Batwing (2011) -21- Lion-Mane's Fangs of Doom

    Tome 21
  • Batwing (2011) -22- Daddy Issues

    Tome 22
  • Batwing (2011) -23- Smash

    Tome 23
  • Batwing (2011) -24- I Can't Catch a Break

    Tome 24
  • Batwing (2011) -25- Zero Year: Keep Your Enemies Closer

    Tome 25
  • Batwing (2011) -26- When in Rome

    Tome 26
  • Batwing (2011) -27- Not All That Glitter

    Tome 27
  • Batwing (2011) -28- Master Torres Was right

    Tome 28
  • Batwing (2011) -29- Going Down to the Underground

    Tome 29
  • Batwing (2011) -30- Underbelly

    Tome 30
  • Batwing (2011) -31- Into the Dark

    Tome 31
  • Batwing (2011) -32- Family is Everything

    Tome 32
  • Batwing (2011) -33- Gruesome George

    Tome 33
  • Batwing (2011) -34- Purpose

    Tome 34
  • Batwing (2011) -INT01- The Lost Kingdom

  • Batwing (2011) -INT02- In the Shadow of the Ancients


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