Batman (TPB)
INT. Batman Arkham: Poison Ivy
Une BD de
Kanigher, Bob
Sheldon Moldoff
chez DC Comics
- 2016
Kanigher, Bob
Grant, Alan
Gaiman, Neil
Moore, John Francis
Helfer, Andy
Krul, J.T.
Fridolfs, Derek
Abel, Jack
Hamner, Cully
Piña, Javier
Russell, Philip Craig
Apthorp, Brian
Buckingham, Mark
Estrada, Ric
Novick, Irv
March, Guillem
Moldoff, Sheldon
Conway, Gerry
March, Guillem
08/2016 (07 septembre 2016) 312 pages 9781401264451 Format comics 291236
Poison Ivy was once Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley, a young woman with a unique fascination with botany and toxicology. But then she was seduced and later experimented on by her mentor, Professor Jason Woodrue, also known as the super-villain Floronic Man. Now a constant thorn in Batman’s side, Poison Ivy uses the toxins in her bloodstream to make her touch fatal to whomever she chooses, giving her the ability to create pheromones that make men her slaves while she stops at nothing to ensure plant life will retake Earth. BATMAN ARKHAM: POISON IVY collects... Lire la suite