Batman: Gates of Gotham (2011)
INT. Gates of Gotham
Une BD de
Scott Snyder
Trevor McCarthy
chez DC Comics
- 2012
Snyder, Scott
Parrott, Ryan
Higgins, Kyle
McCarthy, Trevor
Nolan, Graham
Donovan, Derec
Major, Guy
Szymanowicz, Andre
Lanham, Travis
Fletcher, Jared K.
01/2012 (01 février 2012) 120 pages 9781401233419 Format comics 163347
Batman stands today as one of the most recognizable characters in pop culture, and along with the Batcave and the Batmobile, Gotham City itself stands as one of the most identifiable aspects of Batman lore. This trade explores not only the history of the city but its dark secrets and deadly denizens as well, giving readers a whole scale look at world of Batman. Writer Scott Snyder (AMERICAN VAMPIRE) teams with Kyle Higgins to pen the story, which features various members of the Batman family uniting to solve a mystery that travels through multiple... Lire la suite