B.P.R.D.: The Devil You Know (Dark Horse - 2017)
INT02. Pandemonium
Une BD de
Mignola, Mike
Laurence Campbell
chez Dark Horse Comics
- 2019
Mignola, Mike
Allie, Scott
Campbell, Laurence
Fiumara, Sebastián
Stewart, Dave
Campbell, Laurence
02/2019 (06 février 2019) 144 pages 9781506706535 Format normal 361570
Hellboy has returned to earth and reunited with the B.P.R.D. to help lead the push against one demon s quest to turn New York City into a new Pandemonium. With the demon Varvara gathering followers from all over the country to do her bidding and create this new Hell on earth, the B.P.R.D. tracks her to New York, where she calls other demons of Hell to her side and transforms her cultists into an army of demons and zombies to take down the agents standing in her way. The final story in Mike Mignola s B.P.R.D. epic, The Devil You Know sees longtime... Lire la suite