Avengers & X-Men: Axis (2014)
8. New World Disorder: Chapter 2 - Why They Sting
Une BD de
Rick Remender
Leinil Francis Yu
chez Marvel Comics
- 2014
Remender, Rick
Yu, Leinil Francis
Delgado, Edgar
Eliopoulos, Chris
Ponsor, Justin
Cheung, Jim
12/2014 (17 décembre 2014) Format comics 409592
With no options left, Carnage used the symbiote to wrap around the bomb and contain the explosion, sacrificing himself in the process. Soon after Spider-Man confronted the X-Men for the death of Carnage, the Axis arrived to the scene and began fighting the X-Men. During the fight, Loki distracted Thor, and tricked him into following him into a portal to the Moon. In the Avengers Mansion, Steve Rogers and Nomad were watching the fight when Jarvis entered, announcing that he knew a way to stop them. Meanwhile, in Latveria, the Scarlet Witch began... Lire la suite