Avengers & X-Men: Axis (2014)
7. New World Disorder: Chapter 1 - End The Line
Une BD de
Rick Remender
Leinil Francis Yu
chez Marvel Comics
- 2014
Remender, Rick
Yu, Leinil Francis
Delgado, Edgar
Eliopoulos, Chris
Ponsor, Justin
Cheung, Jim
12/2014 (10 décembre 2014) Format comics 409591
As the Astonishing Avengers stormed Apocalypse's ship and fought the X-Men, Zenpool and Spider-Man attempted to sneak past Apocalypse and try to defuse the gene bomb. Zenpool attempted to distract Apocalypse while Spider-Man deactivated the device, but both failed and were thrown outside the ship, where they joined the ongoing battle between the X-Men and the Avengers. Meanwhile, in Latveria, the Scarlet Witch unleashed her power to fight Doom and seemingly killed both Quicksilver and Magneto, as well as discovering she actually had no blood ties... Lire la suite