The avengers (TPB)
INT. Scarlet Witch by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning
Une BD de
Dan Abnett
John Higgins
chez Marvel Comics
- 2015
Abnett, Dan
McKeever, Sean
Lanning, Andy
Parker, Jeff
Duffy, Jo
Howell, Richard
Mallonee, Dennis
Higgins, John
Santacruz, Juan
Adlard, Charlie
Ridgway, John
Gammill, Kerry
Pierfederici, Mirco
Howell, Richard
Djurdjevic, Marko
03/2015 (15 avril 2015) 232 pages 9780785193357 Format comics 248485
Wanda Maximoff , the most bewitching Avenger, goes it alone in this collection of her solo adventures away from Earth's Mightiest Heroes! First, the science of cosmic writing team DnA and the magic of the Scarlet Witch combine in true comic book alchemy! Now, Wanda must confront very personal demons, pitting her uncanny hex powers against horrifically twisted versions of the West Coast Avengers!