Astonishing X-Men (2004)
INT05. Ghost Box
Une BD de
Warren Ellis
Simone Bianchi
chez Marvel Comics
- 2009
Ellis, Warren
Davis, Alan
Crain, Clayton
Granov, Adi
Bianchi, Simone
Strain, Christina
Schwager, Rob
Granov, Adi
Hollowell, Morry
Martin, Laura
Bianchi, Simone
Crain, Clayton
Peruzzi, Simone
Crain, Clayton
Bianchi, Simone
Farmer, Mark
Granov, Adi
Silvestri, Andrea
Eliopoulos, Chris
Caramagna, Joe
Bianchi, Simone
Peruzzi, Simone
Silvestri, Andrea
08/2009 164 pages 9780785133902 Format comics 255101
The X-Men are back to business -- with a new look, a new base of operations, and a mystery to solve that will take them into previously uncharted territory and test them to their core. It all starts on a spaceship hovering 300 hundred feet above the twisted wreckage of Chaparanga Beach. Its sole inhabitant: the mysterious Subject X.
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