Ares (2006)
INT. God of War
Une BD de
Oeming, Mike
Travel Foreman
chez Marvel Comics
- 2006
Oeming, Mike
Foreman, Travel
O'Grady, Leonard
Fridolfs, Derek
Caramagna, Joe
10/2006 (11 octobre 2006) 111 pages 0785119914 Format comics 266915
For thousands of years, Ares, the God of War, has been the most violent and ruthlessly efficient killer in Zeus's stable. The Nuclear Option to be sent in when you absolutely, positively, need to kill everything in sight. Now, Ares - who has invaded Olympus, attempted to take over Earth, stood at the walls of Troy, and fought toe to toe with and against Earth's greatest heroes - has turned his back on Olympus and centuries of brutal warfare to begin life anew on Earth with one goal: to raise his child. But what happens when Olympus, under siege... Lire la suite