Apex Edition (Rebellion - 2022)
The 2000 AD Art of Mick McMahon - Apex Edition
Une BD de
McMahon, Mike
chez Rebellion
- 2023
McMahon, Mike
McMahon, Mike
Roach, David A.
Saunders, Ben
Gretton, Sam
11/2023 (29 novembre 2023) 144 pages 9781786187758 Grand format 513953
The 2000 AD Art of Mick McMahon: Apex Edition is a gloriously oversized collection of some of McMahon's best pages from 2000 AD. His legendary work on Slaine is showcased with art from ‘Warriors Dawn, ‘Heroes Blood’, and the incredible ‘Sky Chariots’. Also represented here are his Ro-Busters and A.B.C. Warriors eras, the climactic pages from ‘Judge Dredd: The Return of Rico’, the entirety of Superbean, and the complete opening episode of The V.C.'s, along with his V.C. character designs which were used by Cam Kennedy and Garry Leach for artistic... Lire la suite