Apex Edition (Rebellion - 2022)
Judge Dredd by Mick McMahon - Apex Edition
Une BD de
McMahon, Mike
chez Rebellion
- 2022
McMahon, Mike
McMahon, Mike
Roach, David A.
Gretton, Sam
10/2022 (23 novembre 2022) 128 pages 9781786186751 Grand format 513951
From Mick McMahon’s earliest Judge Dredd stories to his iconic work on serials such as ‘The Cursed Earth’ and ‘The Judge Child’, this Apex Edition showcases McMahon’s constantly evolving style and his transformation into a truly unique comic book artist. He is one of the greatest Dredd illustrators of all time. Featuring high-resolution scans of McMahon’s original artwork, this oversized facsimile edition reproduces his art boards at their actual size. Whole chapters of his work on the ‘Robot Wars’ and ‘The Judge Child’ sagas are displayed here... Lire la suite