The annotated Sandman (2012)
INT01. The Annotated Sandman Volume One
Une BD de
Neil Gaiman
Sam Kieth
chez DC Comics
- 2012
Gaiman, Neil
Kieth, Sam
McKean, Dave
Dringenberg, Mike
Jones, Kelley
McKean, Dave
Gaiman, Neil
01/2012 560 pages 9781401233327 Autre format 337103
Meet the Endless, a family of immortals that govern all aspects of life and death throughout the universe. However, one of theirown lays captured--Dream, the Lord of Sleep. As Dream makes his escape and returns to his duties after 70 years of imprison-ment, he encounters countless characters from myth, legend and comics, from Lucifer himself to the tragic Greek hero Orpheusto the HELLBLAZER John Constantine. New York Times best-selling author Neil Gaiman's transcendent series SANDMAN is often hailed as the definitive Vertigo titleand one of the... Lire la suite