Animal Man (2011)
INT03. Rotworld - The Red Kingdom
Une BD de
Jeff Lemire
Timothy Green II
chez DC Comics
- 2013
Lemire, Jeff
Snyder, Scott
Green II, Timothy
Pugh, Steve
Rudy, Marco
Kindzierski, Lovern
Pugh, Steve
08/2013 (04 septembre 2013) 232 pages 9781401242626 Format comics 198254
The world has fallen to the Rot! Animal Man, a.k.a. Buddy Baker and Swamp Thing form an uneasy alliance as they find that after facing down the undead forces of Anton Arcane that the world has fallen deep into a decrepit future where the world is consumed into a withering land of decay. The two heroes travel the decimated planet, scrounging up misfit crimefighters, whose appearances and histories have been changed by this new hell-scape. Will Animal Man and Swamp Thing be able to stop the forces of the Rot and change the world back to what it was?... Lire la suite