Angel: After the Fall (2007)
12. After the fall part 12
Une BD de
Lynch, Brian
Stephen Mooney
chez IDW Publishing
- 2008
Lynch, Brian
Whedon, Joss
Mooney, Stephen
Runge, Nick
Lyon, Art
09/2008 22 pages Format comics 187275
Connor and Spike confront Gwen on her betrayal. Wesley is taken from headquarters to the scene of Angel's impending death, which spurs Fred's transformation into Illyria as she approaches the scene of a battle between Gwen and the dragon, whose name is revealed as Cordelia. On another plane, Angel is reunited with an apparition of Cordelia, meant to ease his transition. Wesley arrives and confronts Gunn with information from the Senior Partners: the visions are their own, and all they have wrought is part of a larger plan for Angel. He reveals... Lire la suite