The amazing Spider-Man (TPB & HC)
INT01. The complete clone saga epic
Une BD de
Tom DeFalco
Mark Bagley
chez Marvel Comics
(Marvel - Epic Collection)
- 2016
DeFalco, Tom
Lyle, Tom
Lackey, Mike
DeMatteis, John Marc
Mackie, Howard
Kavanagh, Terry
DeZago, Todd
Bagley, Mark
Buscema, John
Romita Jr., John
Lim, Ron
Sharp, Liam
Lyle, Tom
Butler, Steve
Saviuk, Alex
Kalisz, John
Tinsley, Kevin
Andreani, Joe
Oliver, Glynis
Scheele, Christie
Becton, Paul
Heroic Age
Janson, Klaus
Mahlstedt, Larry
Hudson, Don
Romita, John
Emberlin, Randy
Milgrom, Al
Riggs, Robin
Hanna, Scott
Fredericks, Fred
Palmer, Tom
Rosen, Joe
Robins, Clem
Oakley, Bill
Dutro, Steve
Lopez, Ken
Starkings, Richard
Novak, Jim
05/2016 418 pages 9781302903183 Format comics 382189
Spider-Man's clone is back - and the real Spidey is beside himself! Peter thought his clone was long dead, but where has Ben Reilly been for the last five years? Why has he returned? Is he Peter Parker's dark side...or his better half? And does Miles Warren, the unbalanced Jackal, have anything to do with it? Everyone wants answers, and the cloaked killer Kaine is ready to rip them out of whoever has them! Plus: Venom and Vermin! Carnage and Chameleon! New allies, new enemies and a new crimefighting identity! No other Spider-storyline was as innovative... Lire la suite