The amazing Spider-Man (TPB & HC)
INT. The Complete Ben Reilly Epic Book 5
Une BD de
Tom DeFalco
Mark Bagley
chez Marvel Comics
- 2012
DeFalco, Tom
DeZago, Todd
Pérez, George
Mackie, Howard
Felder, James
Bagley, Mark
Wieringo, Mike
Buscema, Sal
Garney, Ron
Bennett, Joe
Robertson, Darick
Geiger, Steve
Romita Jr., John
Ross, Luke
McKinney, Brandon
06/2012 (25 juillet 2012) 464 pages 9780785163831 Format comics 170892
Peter Parker lies gravely ill in a hospital bed ... so who's that swinging around the Big Apple? Ben Reilly, the former Scarlet Spider and newly christened Spider-Man! But our webbed rookie soon finds out that his new super-ID isn't going to grant him a free pass when the likes of Swarm, Will O'the Wisp, Dragon Man, the Lizard, and other baleful bad guys rear their malevolent heads!