The amazing Spider-Man (TPB & HC)
INT. The Complete Ben Reilly Epic Book 3
Une BD de
Tom DeFalco
Mark Bagley
chez Marvel Comics
- 2011
DeFalco, Tom
DeZago, Todd
Jurgens, Dan
Stern, Roger
Nicieza, Fabian
Pérez, George
Mackie, Howard
Santangelo, Adam
Bagley, Mark
Jurgens, Dan
Buscema, Sal
Hoover, Dave
Robertson, Darick
Grindberg, Tom
Romita Jr., John
12/2011 (25 janvier 2012) 432 pages 9780785156130 Format comics 161409
The man beneath the mask may look like Peter Parker, but his name's Ben Reilly, the former Scarlet Spider and brand-spanking-new Spider-Man! But that typical Parker luck isn't shy when it comes to novices, as Ben finds out when he comes face to face with the Web-Slinger's most psychotic foe: Carnage! In the meantime, Peter and MJ face some major life changes, including the shocking loss of Peter's spider-powers!