The amazing Spider-Man (TPB & HC)
INT. Spider-Man: Tombstone
Une BD de
Gerry Conway
Buscema, Sal
chez Marvel Comics
- 2016
Conway, Gerry
Buscema, Sal
Bagley, Mark
Sharen, Bob
Wilcox, John A.
Buscema, Sal
Williams, Keith
Parker, Rick
05/2016 (08 juin 2016) 368 pages 9781302900649 Format comics 283415
Spider-Man's life takes a grave turn! He's about to encounter Tombstone - the highest-priced killer in the business - and the whispering hitman will make a big noise in the wall-crawler's life. Who is Tombstone? Why is Joe Robertson investigating him? What devastating action will Tombstone take to put a stop to that? And how will it all end with Joe on trial?! Whatever the answers, the albino assassin is about to get Spider-Man's attention - and the Punisher's, too! Meanwhile, Boomerang makes his comeback, "Evolutionary War" breaks out, "Inferno"... Lire la suite