The amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection (2013)
INT09. Spider-Man or Spider-Clone ?
Une BD de Lee, Stan et John Romita chez Marvel Comics - DC Comics (Epic Collection) - 2023
07/2023 (25 juillet 2023) 464 pages 9781302948740 Format comics 493636
Peter Parker's life has never been easy, but it's hard for things to get worse after your dead girlfriend shows up on your doorstep. Uh-oh, we've challenged that infamous Parker luck - which means things will definitely get worse! Spidey…you've been cloned! In the storyline that shocked the comics world, the scheming Jackal has cloned both Gwen Stacy and Spider-Man, and now Spidey must face one of his greatest personal tragedies! Then, Doc Ock returns - and he's brought the ghost of Hammerhead with him! And they're not the only ones back from the... Lire la suite