All-New X-Men (2016)
INT. X-Men: Apocalypse Wars
Une BD de
Dennis Hopeless
Mark Bagley
chez Marvel
- 2016
Hopeless, Dennis
Bunn, Cullen
Lemire, Jeff
Bagley, Mark
Ramos, Humberto
Lashley, Ken
10/2016 (18 octobre 2016) 336 pages 9781302902452 Format comics 415854
X-Men face the assault by Apocalypse and fight to survive on three diff erent fronts: the past, present and future! In ALL-NEW X-MEN, the young team strives to evade the legacies left to them by their older counterparts, but can they ever truly change their fate? Their future faces peril as they get sucked into the Apocalypse Wars, and of course, no one feels the effects more than Evan Sabahnur, AKA Genesis, AKA Kid Apocalypse. Then in EXTRAORDINARY X-MEN, the team makes a desperate gamble in an attempt to ensure their future-by jumping right to... Lire la suite