Alien: Pig Farm 3000 (2007)
INT. Alien Pig Farm 3000
Une BD de
Steve Niles
Donald Marquez
chez Image Comics
(Raw Studios)
- 2008
Niles, Steve
Farmer, Mark
Jane, Thomas
Marquez, Donald
Marquez, Donald
12/2008 9780982716502 Format comics 195291
Description: Alien Pig Farm 3000, written by Todd Farmer, Story by Thomas Jane, Todd Farmer and Steve Niles. Illustrated by Don Marquez. We know what happens when aliens attack the White House and we've got a pretty good idea of what happens when they attack Sigourney Weaver, but what happens when a race of pig-eating, flesh-gnarling sonsofbitches attack a Kentucky moonshining town? Well. You best put your feet up, sit a spell and kiss yer sister on the mouth 'cuz you about to find out. It's gonna be up to Johnny Ray to kick some green-skinned... Lire la suite