Alias (2001)
INT4. The Secret Origins of Jessica Jones
Une BD de
Brian Michael Bendis
Michael Gaydos
chez Marvel Comics
(Max Comics)
- 2004
Bendis, Brian Michael
Gaydos, Michael
Bagley, Mark
Mays, Rick
Hollingsworth, Matt
White, Dean V.
Bagley, Mark
Gaydos, Michael
Thibert, Art
Mays, Rick
Petit, Cory
Mack, David
03/2004 (31 mars 2004) 179 pages 0785111670 Format comics 266847
Once hard-nosed private eye Jessica Jones stood with Earth's Mightiest Heroes, the Avengers, as a costumed super hero. Now, for the first time, learn all of Jessica's hidden secrets - how she got her superpowers, joined the Avengers and the dark, unspoken of chapter in Marvel Universe history that changed her life forever. And find out who the Hannibal Lecter of the Marvel Universe is?