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Couverture de The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -496- Truth and Consequences
©DC Comics 1992 Ordway/Janke
Parution en 11/1992. Vous pouvez commander l'album chez nos partenaires suivants : Acheter sur Amazon Acheter à la FNAC Acheter sur Rakuten
Album créé dans la bedetheque le 03/09/2022 (Dernière modification le 04/09/2022 à 13:36) par jr5902

The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987)

496. Truth and Consequences

Une BD de et Dennis Janke chez DC Comics - 1992
Ordway, Jerry (Scénario) Janke, Dennis (Scénario) Janke, Dennis (Dessin) Whitmore, Glenn (Couleurs) Janke, Dennis (Encrage) Pearson, Bill (Lettrage) Janke, Dennis (Couverture) Grummett, Tom (Couverture)

11/1992 23 pages Format comics 454789

Mr. Mxyzptlk is back, and this time he's making it even harder for Superman to send him back to the 5th dimension, since everything he says is a lie. Doomsday continues to pound on the steel door, finally punching small holes through the steel.

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Notez l'album (0 vote)

  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -0- The Beginning of Tomorrow!

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -424- The Adventures Begin!

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -440- The Hurrieder I Go

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -441- The Tiny Terror of Tinseltown

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -456- Turmoil!

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -458- Issue # 458

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -482- Extra! The Daily Planet Strikes!

    Tome 482
  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -483- Heads Up! Blindspot's Hiding in Plain Sight!

    Tome 483
  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -492- And Justice for All!

    Tome 492
  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -496- Truth and Consequences

    Tome 496
  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -498- Funeral for a Friend/1

    Tome 498
  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -499- Funeral for a Friend/5

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -500- Life After Death!

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -501- ...When He Was a Boy!

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -502- Boy Meets Girl

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -503- Don't Send a Boy to Do a Man's Job!

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -504- The Superman Revenge Squad!

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -505- Issue # 505

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -506- Metropolis Ain't Big Enough for the Both of Them!

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -507- Bloodsport... Deadlier than Ever!

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -508- It's About Time!

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -509- The Final Fate of Auron!

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -512- Power to the Parasite!

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -513- The Guardian Project

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -514- The Fall of Metropolis!

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -516- Zero Hour. Who is Metropolis's Greatest Hero?

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -518- Dead Again! Darkseid of the Force!

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -521- The Thorn in his Side!

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -522- Revealed at Last! The Secrets Behind the Return of Metropolis!

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -524- Run for their Lives!

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -525- Lois & Clark Forever!

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -526- Bobby Bloodsport DuBois Vs. Alex Bloodsport Trent

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -527- For the First Time! The Return of the Alpha-Centurion

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -577- Strangers in Smallville

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -580- Bodily Harm!

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -588- Child's Play

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -590- Presidential Orders

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -592- Strange Behavior

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -593- 3,000 Years in the Making

    Tome 593
  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -594- The Doomsday Protocol

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -595- Escalation

    Tome 595
  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -596- Shipbuilding

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -597- Rubber Crutch

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -598- Cult of Persuasion (Prologue)

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -599- Borba Za Zhivuchest

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -600- A Lex

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -639- Lightning strikes twice (Part 2)

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -640- The Road to Ruin, Conclusion

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -641- Innocence

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -642- Sacrifice, Part III of IV: Remembrance

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -643- Sacrifice, Aftermath: Fragmentation

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -645- Breaking Point

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -646- Rack & Ruin, Part I of II

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  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -647- Rack and Ruin, Part II of II

    Tome 647
  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -648- Look... Up in the Sky!

    Tome 648
  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -AN02- Annual #2

  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -AN05- Annual #5. Bloodlines. Sparx will Fly!

  • The adventures of Superman Vol.1 (1987) -AN08- Legends of the Dead Earth


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