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Couverture de Adventure into Fear (1970) -1- I Found Monstrom, The Dweller in the Black Swamp!
©Marvel Comics 1970 Lee, Stan/Ditko
Parution en 11/1970. Vous pouvez commander l'album chez nos partenaires suivants : Acheter sur Amazon Acheter à la FNAC Acheter sur Rakuten
Album créé dans la bedetheque le 05/03/2016 (Dernière modification le 05/07/2020 à 16:05) par jr5902

Adventure into Fear (1970)

1. I Found Monstrom, The Dweller in the Black Swamp!

Une BD de et Steve Ditko chez Marvel Comics - 1970
Lee, Stan (Scénario) Ditko, Steve (Dessin) Kirby, Jack (Dessin) Heck, Don (Dessin) <Quadrichromie> (Couleurs) Ditko, Steve (Encrage) Heck, Don (Encrage) Ayers, Dick (Encrage) Rule, Christopher (Encrage) Kirby, Jack (Couverture) Ayers, Dick (Couverture)

11/1970 64 pages Format comics 25 à 30 euros 274710

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Notez l'album (0 vote)

  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -1- I Found Monstrom, The Dweller in the Black Swamp!

    Tome 1
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -2- I Was hunted by

    Tome 2
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -3- Zzutak the Thing That Shouldn't Exist!!

    Tome 3
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -4- The Earth is Doomed ..when Lo-Karr Stalks!!

    Tome 4
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -5- I Am the Gorilla- Man!

    Tome 5
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -6- The Midnight Monster

    Tome 6
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -7- I Dream of Doom!

    Tome 7
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -8- It Crawls By Night!

    Tome 8
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -9- I Entered the Dimension of Doom!

    Tome 9
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -10- Cry monster!

    Tome 10
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -11- The haunter of the swamp!

    Tome 11
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -12- No Choice of Colors

    Tome 12
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -13- Where Worlds Collide

    Tome 13
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -14- Plague of the Demon-Cult!

    Tome 14
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -15- Enter the Lord of the Dark Domain!

    Tome 15
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -16- Cry of the Native

    Tome 16
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -17- It Came Out of the Sky

    Tome 17
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -18- A Question of Survival

    Tome 18
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -19- The land between night and day

    Tome 19
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -20- The Man Called Morbius.. The Living Vampire

    Tome 20
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -21- In the clutches of the uncanny Caretaker!

    Tome 21
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -22- Curse of the Cat-Demon!

    Tome 22
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -23- A world he never made!

    Tome 23
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -24- Blade, the vampire slayer!

    Tome 24
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -25- You always kill the one you love!

    Tome 25
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -26- A Stillborn Genesis!

    Tome 26
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -27- Nightkill!

    Tome 27
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -28- Doorway down Into Hell

    Tome 28
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -29- Death has a thousand eyes!

    Tome 29
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -30-

    Tome 30
  • Adventure into Fear (1970) -31- End of a Vampire!

    Tome 31

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