Adventure Comics (2009)
521. The Summons of the Ring
Une BD de
Paul Levitz
Geraldo Borges
chez DC Comics
- 2011
Levitz, Paul
Lemire, Jeff
Borges, Geraldo
Alquiza, Marlo
Asrar, Mahmud A.
Pantazis, Pete
Dell, John
Cipriano, Sal
Clark, Scott
02/2011 30 pages Format comics 118933
. - The Summons of the Ring - Nucleus (Part 6) : Weapons of Mass Reduction The rebuilding of the Green Lantern Corps in the 31st century starts here! Now set in "contemporary" Legion times, this issue tells an all-new tale starring the last survivors of the fabled Corps. Their next recruit will shock you! In The Atom's co-feature, the Colony continues its assault on Ray Palmer with more shrinkable suicide bombers!